
Peter posted short essays online usually in conjunction with the release of a song

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More “Room”

September 6, 2012

I wrote my latest song, Room Enough, at the end of the summer and last week’s blog that accompanied it was written just as I was nearing the end of what I think I’ll call – and try to replicate again – a summer of “being”. There was not a lot of “doing” going on.

It took a little time to get used to. But we are, in fact, human “beings”. So it was interesting to live up to the name. A lot of the experience was optimized by our recent move to the country from New York City. …

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Escape Velocity

August 23, 2012

Saturn V rocket

When I was young, I remember being awestruck at the massive power of the Saturn V rocket as it lifted astronauts into space toward the moon. It took so much effort to get that rocket off the ground. But then I would see animations of what would happen once the stages had been cast off and just the top of the rocket, the Command and Service Modules, were in space. The maneuvering looked effortless.

Specifically, it took over 7.5 million pounds of thrust to get to the first 220,000 feet. Once in …

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The Establishment

June 28, 2012

Since “Independence Day” just passed, I thought I’d offer up aspects of that story that we sometimes forget in all the celebratory activity.

When a business wants to show that they’ve been around awhile they, quite naturally, display how long they’ve been established. You’ve seen the signage… Est. 1897… Est. 1974… whatever the number is that will give the business some heft. And, of course, the date chosen is the very earliest they could possibly make the claim. Longevity …

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